The MJBA would like to welcome our new corporate sponsor, Steep Hill Halent. Steep Hill Halent was launched in early 2008 as Steep Hill Medical Collective to provide quality control services to the medical cannabis industry, which — 12 years after its legalization under California law— consisted of hundreds of businesses providing potentially unsafe herbal products to hundreds of thousands of consumers. The company’s primary mission was and is to protect the public health by providing infrastructure and analytical services to legally authorized distributors and producers of cannabis and to regulators tracking their operations. The company was founded by David Lampach, Addison Demoura and Steve DeAngelo. Corporate headquarters are in Oakland California. The company’s customers are medical cannabis providers anticipating regulation and inspection by public health authorities. In June 2008 the company developed the first microbiological method for determining mold and bacteria levels on cannabis destined for human consumption.
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